The Laser Hive

Site Update 31 May 2024

We are so grateful to all of our customers for bearing with us over the last few months.
First and foremost, everything is fine here at The Laser Hive. We are working and accepting all your orders by email and will continue to do so.
I have not reactivated automatic ordering from the website – I simply do not want to have data stored on the internet and would rather keep those aspects offline.
So for the future I am continuing simply to correspond with customers personally through email and processing through PayPal.
If you would like to make an order then please make a list of items required and send me your delivery details along with your PayPal email address. I will then contact you with a PayPal Invoice. Thank you!
To visit the shop and browse our available products, please click here: SHOP

Computer Case Modification

– Please visit our shop area for all your computer modding needs. Once you have decided what you would like to buy please send us an email ( see link at top of page) with all your needs.

Artists and Designers

 You design it…..and we’ll cut it.

You can start with your own design sent to us in one of a number of formats. We work from CorelDraw but can directly work from files in Dxf, AI and a selection of other formats. If you are not tech savvy though don’t be put off – we are here to help you and in the vast majority of cases we’ll make no charge to get your design into a format that we can work with – so just give us what you have and we will make it work. We can even work with your own scribbled sketches or picture files.

Local designers – if you live within driving distance of Hebden Bridge why not call me and arrange to drop by,  Let’s talk about what a laser could do for your designs and business. The kettle is always on.

International designers – Because our service is so cost effective, being on the other side of the world is no barrier. Email us with what you need and we’ll give you a competitive quote.

Tell us what you want and we’ll do it!

Give us a try. There’s nothing to lose and no charge for chatting.